A Spooky Seasonal Wrap Up
Take some time to browse our best takes and tools for the scary season
Horror season is nearly upon us. In life and work, ghosts may come in many different forms, and here in the world of product we are no strangers to troublesome illusions, frighteningly unexpected interruptions and full-blown project monsters.
Let’s take some time to equip you to slay the scariest of those demons.
The Dark Creepy Woods, AKA the overwhelming problem space
The size of your problem space is confounding. The myriad of forward paths is overwhelming. How do you decide which direction will be most impactful? How do you pick solutions to start iterating and testing? It’s a bit like a sprawling forest at nighttime; there’s things rustling in the bushes, but you don’t know what’s really out there until you go and look. And more importantly – how do you get out!?
One sure fire way to get out your torch and strike a path is Opportunity Solution Trees. If you’ve not tried this technique, created by Teresa Torres, and still taking the product world by storm, then this is your moment. Here’s our easy guide to getting started. You’ll be clear of those woods in no time and heading for insight.
The Haunted House, AKA the lack of a product operating model
You’ve got a great team. You’ve got a great product. But your team isn’t empowered to deliver – you’re blocked at every turn, and the high-level vision doesn’t help steer your product strategy. You start to suspect that the organisational structure might be working against you. Never mind the monsters, it’s the house you need to be worried about. That staircase just doesn’t look like it can hold your weight. Sure you can smash your way out of that terrifying locked cellar, but wouldn’t it be better if the door just opened nicely?
Luckily we’ve got some great resources for turning a haunted house into a practical, comfortable living space... Or something like that. Here are some top tips on introducing a product operating model to your organisation.
The Swarm of Bats, AKA the unfocused product vision
Bats are scary, but they’re mostly harmless. A bit like a product vision that’s stretched too thin, focussed on fixing symptoms rather than driving meaningful strategy. Your vision is what will endure as your tactics and strategy change, so make sure it has bite. You don’t want the bats to fly out of the cave and be instantly forgotten by you and your adventuring pals.
Never fear, we’ve got some great advice on how to get your Product Vision working as powerfully for you as possible. Ambitious, enduring, clear – all the traits that rats with wings can never aspire to.
The Ghost In the Mirror, AKA the fear of failure
Yes, it’s you, staring at your reflection in that cracked looking-glass. But hold on, what is that pale, death-like presence stood right behind you? Is it a vision of your impending death? Or is it the ghost of your future failure, taunting you with the possibility that your ideas may not work? That the product you've taken so much time and effort to push forward might crash and burn?
Here’s the secret. The ghost is your friend. Turns out that failure is the voice whispering the clearest insights in your ear – and yes, it might be the petulant voice of a long-dead child – but apparently she’s been reading Roman Pilcher.
The Killer Robot, AKA the AI revolution
Through the mist you see an emerging mechanical figure with red laser eyes. Wait – have we switched genres? Nevermind, horror is very flexible these days. And we all know the biggest risk to our jobs as product people right now is being replaced by droids. While we wait for the computers to surpass us, how can we as product managers keep on top of what is a fast-moving, revolutionary space, harnessing the power of emerging tools to help us work smarter?
We’ve got a great starting point. Understand the potential and limitations of AI, and you’ll be moments away from snipping the wires hanging out the back of that tin scarecrow and nipping that little rebellion right in the bud.
Make sure you stay safe this Halloween and come join the conversation here at Product Breaks. We'd love to hear what monsters you’re facing!